We use a so-called “pay-as-you-go” model to keep your simple contracts affordable. If you only need to draft and sign a document, the document’s price will remain at 0, forever.

If you require more complex solutions, such as the ability to redline, comment, approve, and so on, you can add these options one by one, retaining control over the final document price.

How to add options

Once a sharing link is created, you will see a block with additional options:

Choose an option

We are continually adding more options, so you can select the one you need to add to your document. Simply click the option, and when you see the sign "Selected", it means this option is ready to be added.

Then, scroll a little further down and find the "Add Option for...". You will see the final price of all the options you have selected. Now you can pay for them to activate and add them to your document.

How to remove options

The paid options remain paid forever, so you never need to pay for them again if you deactivate them.

To deactivate an option, press the selected options button; the Added tag will be removed, while the Paid tag will remain.

To activate the option again, click on it again.